Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to organize interdisciplinary environmental science workshops and broadly disseminate the information from the workshops Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $156,432 Year Granted 2016 University of Florida Board of Trustees for two summer research projects in axion physics that will investigate new observational signatures for axion dark matter detection Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $21,900 Year Granted 2016 Child Trends Incorporated to support publication and dissemination activities of an external evaluation of Abriendo Puertas Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 EdSource, Inc. for early education coverage and to strengthen EdSource Today Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2016 Education Development Center, Inc. to support an in-depth observational study of the instructional practices of early childhood teachers participating in a professional development intervention designed to promote low-income children’s mastery motivation and mathematics skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $429,000 Year Granted 2016 Second Harvest of Silicon Valley for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Robin Hood Foundation to help support the longitudinal evaluation of a curriculum-based, math-focused preschool intervention and to assess the added value of a kindergarten enhancement offered through math clubs Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,433,333 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Riverside to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $34,395 Year Granted 2016 California Academy of Sciences to support the bioGraphic project ($25,000) and for general support ($25,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2016 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support research and activities in climate science and energy technologies, policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources, and consultants and meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2016 Teachers College Columbia University for the Hechinger Report to continue its early education coverage with in-depth reporting and to partner with national news organizations to ensure full media coverage of the issues Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Start Early to support First Five Years Fund’s federal early childhood education policy and advocacy work Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Council for a Strong America to mobilize business leaders and retired admirals and generals as champions for early math education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Trends Incorporated to disseminate findings from a forthcoming report on the degree and implications of undercounting young Hispanic children in the U.S. Census Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2016 Sempervirens Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Spark for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
University of Florida Board of Trustees for two summer research projects in axion physics that will investigate new observational signatures for axion dark matter detection Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $21,900 Year Granted 2016 Child Trends Incorporated to support publication and dissemination activities of an external evaluation of Abriendo Puertas Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 EdSource, Inc. for early education coverage and to strengthen EdSource Today Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2016 Education Development Center, Inc. to support an in-depth observational study of the instructional practices of early childhood teachers participating in a professional development intervention designed to promote low-income children’s mastery motivation and mathematics skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $429,000 Year Granted 2016 Second Harvest of Silicon Valley for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Robin Hood Foundation to help support the longitudinal evaluation of a curriculum-based, math-focused preschool intervention and to assess the added value of a kindergarten enhancement offered through math clubs Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,433,333 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Riverside to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $34,395 Year Granted 2016 California Academy of Sciences to support the bioGraphic project ($25,000) and for general support ($25,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2016 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support research and activities in climate science and energy technologies, policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources, and consultants and meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2016 Teachers College Columbia University for the Hechinger Report to continue its early education coverage with in-depth reporting and to partner with national news organizations to ensure full media coverage of the issues Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Start Early to support First Five Years Fund’s federal early childhood education policy and advocacy work Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Council for a Strong America to mobilize business leaders and retired admirals and generals as champions for early math education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Trends Incorporated to disseminate findings from a forthcoming report on the degree and implications of undercounting young Hispanic children in the U.S. Census Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2016 Sempervirens Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Spark for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Child Trends Incorporated to support publication and dissemination activities of an external evaluation of Abriendo Puertas Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 EdSource, Inc. for early education coverage and to strengthen EdSource Today Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2016 Education Development Center, Inc. to support an in-depth observational study of the instructional practices of early childhood teachers participating in a professional development intervention designed to promote low-income children’s mastery motivation and mathematics skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $429,000 Year Granted 2016 Second Harvest of Silicon Valley for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Robin Hood Foundation to help support the longitudinal evaluation of a curriculum-based, math-focused preschool intervention and to assess the added value of a kindergarten enhancement offered through math clubs Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,433,333 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Riverside to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $34,395 Year Granted 2016 California Academy of Sciences to support the bioGraphic project ($25,000) and for general support ($25,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2016 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support research and activities in climate science and energy technologies, policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources, and consultants and meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2016 Teachers College Columbia University for the Hechinger Report to continue its early education coverage with in-depth reporting and to partner with national news organizations to ensure full media coverage of the issues Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Start Early to support First Five Years Fund’s federal early childhood education policy and advocacy work Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Council for a Strong America to mobilize business leaders and retired admirals and generals as champions for early math education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Trends Incorporated to disseminate findings from a forthcoming report on the degree and implications of undercounting young Hispanic children in the U.S. Census Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2016 Sempervirens Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Spark for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
EdSource, Inc. for early education coverage and to strengthen EdSource Today Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2016 Education Development Center, Inc. to support an in-depth observational study of the instructional practices of early childhood teachers participating in a professional development intervention designed to promote low-income children’s mastery motivation and mathematics skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $429,000 Year Granted 2016 Second Harvest of Silicon Valley for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Robin Hood Foundation to help support the longitudinal evaluation of a curriculum-based, math-focused preschool intervention and to assess the added value of a kindergarten enhancement offered through math clubs Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,433,333 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Riverside to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $34,395 Year Granted 2016 California Academy of Sciences to support the bioGraphic project ($25,000) and for general support ($25,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2016 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support research and activities in climate science and energy technologies, policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources, and consultants and meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2016 Teachers College Columbia University for the Hechinger Report to continue its early education coverage with in-depth reporting and to partner with national news organizations to ensure full media coverage of the issues Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Start Early to support First Five Years Fund’s federal early childhood education policy and advocacy work Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Council for a Strong America to mobilize business leaders and retired admirals and generals as champions for early math education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Trends Incorporated to disseminate findings from a forthcoming report on the degree and implications of undercounting young Hispanic children in the U.S. Census Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2016 Sempervirens Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Spark for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Education Development Center, Inc. to support an in-depth observational study of the instructional practices of early childhood teachers participating in a professional development intervention designed to promote low-income children’s mastery motivation and mathematics skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $429,000 Year Granted 2016 Second Harvest of Silicon Valley for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Robin Hood Foundation to help support the longitudinal evaluation of a curriculum-based, math-focused preschool intervention and to assess the added value of a kindergarten enhancement offered through math clubs Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,433,333 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Riverside to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $34,395 Year Granted 2016 California Academy of Sciences to support the bioGraphic project ($25,000) and for general support ($25,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2016 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support research and activities in climate science and energy technologies, policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources, and consultants and meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2016 Teachers College Columbia University for the Hechinger Report to continue its early education coverage with in-depth reporting and to partner with national news organizations to ensure full media coverage of the issues Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Start Early to support First Five Years Fund’s federal early childhood education policy and advocacy work Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Council for a Strong America to mobilize business leaders and retired admirals and generals as champions for early math education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Trends Incorporated to disseminate findings from a forthcoming report on the degree and implications of undercounting young Hispanic children in the U.S. Census Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2016 Sempervirens Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Spark for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Second Harvest of Silicon Valley for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Robin Hood Foundation to help support the longitudinal evaluation of a curriculum-based, math-focused preschool intervention and to assess the added value of a kindergarten enhancement offered through math clubs Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,433,333 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Riverside to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $34,395 Year Granted 2016 California Academy of Sciences to support the bioGraphic project ($25,000) and for general support ($25,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2016 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support research and activities in climate science and energy technologies, policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources, and consultants and meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2016 Teachers College Columbia University for the Hechinger Report to continue its early education coverage with in-depth reporting and to partner with national news organizations to ensure full media coverage of the issues Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Start Early to support First Five Years Fund’s federal early childhood education policy and advocacy work Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Council for a Strong America to mobilize business leaders and retired admirals and generals as champions for early math education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Trends Incorporated to disseminate findings from a forthcoming report on the degree and implications of undercounting young Hispanic children in the U.S. Census Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2016 Sempervirens Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Spark for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Robin Hood Foundation to help support the longitudinal evaluation of a curriculum-based, math-focused preschool intervention and to assess the added value of a kindergarten enhancement offered through math clubs Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,433,333 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Riverside to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $34,395 Year Granted 2016 California Academy of Sciences to support the bioGraphic project ($25,000) and for general support ($25,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2016 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support research and activities in climate science and energy technologies, policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources, and consultants and meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2016 Teachers College Columbia University for the Hechinger Report to continue its early education coverage with in-depth reporting and to partner with national news organizations to ensure full media coverage of the issues Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Start Early to support First Five Years Fund’s federal early childhood education policy and advocacy work Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Council for a Strong America to mobilize business leaders and retired admirals and generals as champions for early math education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Trends Incorporated to disseminate findings from a forthcoming report on the degree and implications of undercounting young Hispanic children in the U.S. Census Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2016 Sempervirens Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Spark for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Regents of the University of California at Riverside to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $34,395 Year Granted 2016 California Academy of Sciences to support the bioGraphic project ($25,000) and for general support ($25,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2016 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support research and activities in climate science and energy technologies, policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources, and consultants and meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2016 Teachers College Columbia University for the Hechinger Report to continue its early education coverage with in-depth reporting and to partner with national news organizations to ensure full media coverage of the issues Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Start Early to support First Five Years Fund’s federal early childhood education policy and advocacy work Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Council for a Strong America to mobilize business leaders and retired admirals and generals as champions for early math education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Trends Incorporated to disseminate findings from a forthcoming report on the degree and implications of undercounting young Hispanic children in the U.S. Census Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2016 Sempervirens Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Spark for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
California Academy of Sciences to support the bioGraphic project ($25,000) and for general support ($25,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2016 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support research and activities in climate science and energy technologies, policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources, and consultants and meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2016 Teachers College Columbia University for the Hechinger Report to continue its early education coverage with in-depth reporting and to partner with national news organizations to ensure full media coverage of the issues Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Start Early to support First Five Years Fund’s federal early childhood education policy and advocacy work Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Council for a Strong America to mobilize business leaders and retired admirals and generals as champions for early math education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Trends Incorporated to disseminate findings from a forthcoming report on the degree and implications of undercounting young Hispanic children in the U.S. Census Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2016 Sempervirens Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Spark for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support research and activities in climate science and energy technologies, policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources, and consultants and meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2016 Teachers College Columbia University for the Hechinger Report to continue its early education coverage with in-depth reporting and to partner with national news organizations to ensure full media coverage of the issues Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Start Early to support First Five Years Fund’s federal early childhood education policy and advocacy work Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Council for a Strong America to mobilize business leaders and retired admirals and generals as champions for early math education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Trends Incorporated to disseminate findings from a forthcoming report on the degree and implications of undercounting young Hispanic children in the U.S. Census Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2016 Sempervirens Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Spark for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Teachers College Columbia University for the Hechinger Report to continue its early education coverage with in-depth reporting and to partner with national news organizations to ensure full media coverage of the issues Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Start Early to support First Five Years Fund’s federal early childhood education policy and advocacy work Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Council for a Strong America to mobilize business leaders and retired admirals and generals as champions for early math education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Trends Incorporated to disseminate findings from a forthcoming report on the degree and implications of undercounting young Hispanic children in the U.S. Census Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2016 Sempervirens Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Spark for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Start Early to support First Five Years Fund’s federal early childhood education policy and advocacy work Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Council for a Strong America to mobilize business leaders and retired admirals and generals as champions for early math education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Trends Incorporated to disseminate findings from a forthcoming report on the degree and implications of undercounting young Hispanic children in the U.S. Census Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2016 Sempervirens Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Spark for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Start Early to support First Five Years Fund’s federal early childhood education policy and advocacy work Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Council for a Strong America to mobilize business leaders and retired admirals and generals as champions for early math education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Trends Incorporated to disseminate findings from a forthcoming report on the degree and implications of undercounting young Hispanic children in the U.S. Census Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2016 Sempervirens Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Spark for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Council for a Strong America to mobilize business leaders and retired admirals and generals as champions for early math education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Trends Incorporated to disseminate findings from a forthcoming report on the degree and implications of undercounting young Hispanic children in the U.S. Census Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2016 Sempervirens Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Spark for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Child Trends Incorporated to disseminate findings from a forthcoming report on the degree and implications of undercounting young Hispanic children in the U.S. Census Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2016 Sempervirens Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Spark for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Sempervirens Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Spark for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Spark for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Refugee Transitions for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Southern California Grantmakers for the California Philanthropy Initiative Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Environmental Grantmakers Association for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $14,000 Year Granted 2016 The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
The UCLA Foundation to develop novel computational modeling tools to test general relativity at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $170,400 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support the 2016 Cubberley Lecture Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Child Care Law Center for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to advance energy efficiency policy initiatives Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $230,000 Year Granted 2016 Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Southern Poverty Law Center Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
PEAK Grantmaking Inc. for 2016 membership dues ($1,900) and the 2016 Core Campaign ($5,000) Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $6,900 Year Granted 2016 Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Intersection for the Arts for The Beat Within’s program in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
University of Washington to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $551,124 Year Granted 2016 Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Marine Science Institute for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Bard College to support the Bard Prison Initiative Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2016 JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
JobTrain Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
The School Fund for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Catalyst California for Educational Equity program’s advocacy work for early education in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
National Academy of Sciences for a consensus study on how to fund accessible, high quality, early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry and address issues of workforce compensation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
The Opportunity Institute for The Opportunity Institute Fund’s Too Small to Fail early childhood campaign Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Trust for Public Land to support the Parks for People – Bay Area program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
San Francisco Ballet Association for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Defy Ventures Inc. for Defy’s Bay Area office Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Consultative Group On Biological Diversity DBA Biodiversity Funders Group for 2016 Climate and Energy Funders Group membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2016 Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Community Initiatives for E4FC’s Invest in the Dream initiative and its program of work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $425,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next
University of Texas at Arlington to study climate change amplification caused by the decline of marine biota in response to ocean warming and acidification during the early Eocene, about 56 million years ago Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $306,785 Year Granted 2016 Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next
Eastside College Preparatory School Inc. to support the journalism program ($5,000) and general support ($10,000). Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2016 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next
America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth to support the coordination of the national Home Visiting Coalition Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2016 Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next
Advanced Energy Institute for education and advocacy to remove policy barriers constructed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in order to accelerate energy deployment and deliver cleaner, more affordable energy to utility customers Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $140,000 Year Granted 2016 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is for the production and dissemination of the 2016-2017 State of Preschool Yearbook Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,362 Year Granted 2016 WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next
WestEd to create an asset map of the coaching and professional development landscape related to family engagement, diverse language learning, and early math in Santa Clara County for early education providers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $24,986 Year Granted 2016 New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016 1 2 3 … 5 Next
New Venture Fund for the Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016
Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to support the development and application of data assimilation techniques in paleoclimate deep time Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $598,231 Year Granted 2016