Development and Research in Early Mathematics Education (DREME), situated within the Stanford Graduate School of Education, is a network of scholars and researchers from 12 universities across the country. DREME seeks to advance the field of early mathematics research and improve young children’s opportunities to develop math skills.

This grant involves four research and development projects:

  • The Math and Executive Functions project strives to produce knowledge about the association between math and executive function—the mental processes involved in planning, focusing attention, and switching among mental tasks—and to explore how competencies in math and executive functioning can be enhanced through particular instructional offerings.
  • The Family Math project aims to identify, develop, and test tools and practices to increase the quantity and quality of parent and caregiver engagement in children’s math learning.
  • The Preschool Through Elementary School Coherence (COHERE) project investigates the effects of policy alignment and curricular coherence on students’ learning opportunities, experiences, and achievement in mathematics from pre-K through second grade.
  • The Teacher Educator Professional Development project develops, pilots, and evaluates a system of online educational resources to support the professional development of prospective and practicing teachers in early math education.


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