Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums for general support for the Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Robin Hood Foundation to help support the implementation and evaluation of a curriculum-based, math-focused intervention with intensive professional development and coaching for preschool teachers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Greenlining Institute for research and development of case studies that demonstrate the economic, social, environmental, and health benefits associated with California’s climate policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $30,000 Year Granted 2014 Parent-Child Home Program Inc. for a follow-up evaluation of the Parent-Child Home Program and a convening of current and former evaluators of the program to develop a future research agenda Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $181,620 Year Granted 2014 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the construction and installation of the Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI) blue channel instrument on the Keck II telescope on Mauna Kea Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2014 Alliance for Climate Education Inc. for program support for ACE Assembly Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 San Francisco Opera Association for general support for the San Francisco Opera Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Council for a Strong America for the dissemination of information on the importance of early mathematics to business leaders Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Alliance for Early Success for general support, planning around home visiting, and technical assistance around Child Care Development Block Grant implementation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 Redwood City Elementary School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in Redwood City Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $399,500 Year Granted 2014 SRI International to conduct a case study of the use of Local Control Funding Formula funds for early childhood education, contingent upon the identification of a school district in San Mateo or Santa Clara County that is suitable for inclusion in this study Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $62,928 Year Granted 2014 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. to support Kids in Common and its work related to the Santa Clara County Children’s Agenda and the Santa Clara County Children’s Summit Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 The Trust for Hidden Villa for general support for The Trust for Hidden Villa Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 The School Fund for general support for The School Fund Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2014 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to fund the initial planning phase of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment, CASPEr, which aims to search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and massive vector bosons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies for general support Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Child Care Law Center for general operating support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 Save the Redwoods League for general support for Save the Redwoods League Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Robin Hood Foundation to help support the implementation and evaluation of a curriculum-based, math-focused intervention with intensive professional development and coaching for preschool teachers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Greenlining Institute for research and development of case studies that demonstrate the economic, social, environmental, and health benefits associated with California’s climate policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $30,000 Year Granted 2014 Parent-Child Home Program Inc. for a follow-up evaluation of the Parent-Child Home Program and a convening of current and former evaluators of the program to develop a future research agenda Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $181,620 Year Granted 2014 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the construction and installation of the Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI) blue channel instrument on the Keck II telescope on Mauna Kea Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2014 Alliance for Climate Education Inc. for program support for ACE Assembly Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 San Francisco Opera Association for general support for the San Francisco Opera Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Council for a Strong America for the dissemination of information on the importance of early mathematics to business leaders Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Alliance for Early Success for general support, planning around home visiting, and technical assistance around Child Care Development Block Grant implementation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 Redwood City Elementary School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in Redwood City Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $399,500 Year Granted 2014 SRI International to conduct a case study of the use of Local Control Funding Formula funds for early childhood education, contingent upon the identification of a school district in San Mateo or Santa Clara County that is suitable for inclusion in this study Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $62,928 Year Granted 2014 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. to support Kids in Common and its work related to the Santa Clara County Children’s Agenda and the Santa Clara County Children’s Summit Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 The Trust for Hidden Villa for general support for The Trust for Hidden Villa Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 The School Fund for general support for The School Fund Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2014 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to fund the initial planning phase of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment, CASPEr, which aims to search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and massive vector bosons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies for general support Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Child Care Law Center for general operating support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 Save the Redwoods League for general support for Save the Redwoods League Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Greenlining Institute for research and development of case studies that demonstrate the economic, social, environmental, and health benefits associated with California’s climate policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $30,000 Year Granted 2014 Parent-Child Home Program Inc. for a follow-up evaluation of the Parent-Child Home Program and a convening of current and former evaluators of the program to develop a future research agenda Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $181,620 Year Granted 2014 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the construction and installation of the Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI) blue channel instrument on the Keck II telescope on Mauna Kea Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2014 Alliance for Climate Education Inc. for program support for ACE Assembly Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 San Francisco Opera Association for general support for the San Francisco Opera Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Council for a Strong America for the dissemination of information on the importance of early mathematics to business leaders Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Alliance for Early Success for general support, planning around home visiting, and technical assistance around Child Care Development Block Grant implementation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 Redwood City Elementary School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in Redwood City Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $399,500 Year Granted 2014 SRI International to conduct a case study of the use of Local Control Funding Formula funds for early childhood education, contingent upon the identification of a school district in San Mateo or Santa Clara County that is suitable for inclusion in this study Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $62,928 Year Granted 2014 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. to support Kids in Common and its work related to the Santa Clara County Children’s Agenda and the Santa Clara County Children’s Summit Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 The Trust for Hidden Villa for general support for The Trust for Hidden Villa Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 The School Fund for general support for The School Fund Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2014 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to fund the initial planning phase of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment, CASPEr, which aims to search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and massive vector bosons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies for general support Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Child Care Law Center for general operating support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 Save the Redwoods League for general support for Save the Redwoods League Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Parent-Child Home Program Inc. for a follow-up evaluation of the Parent-Child Home Program and a convening of current and former evaluators of the program to develop a future research agenda Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $181,620 Year Granted 2014 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the construction and installation of the Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI) blue channel instrument on the Keck II telescope on Mauna Kea Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2014 Alliance for Climate Education Inc. for program support for ACE Assembly Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 San Francisco Opera Association for general support for the San Francisco Opera Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Council for a Strong America for the dissemination of information on the importance of early mathematics to business leaders Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Alliance for Early Success for general support, planning around home visiting, and technical assistance around Child Care Development Block Grant implementation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 Redwood City Elementary School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in Redwood City Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $399,500 Year Granted 2014 SRI International to conduct a case study of the use of Local Control Funding Formula funds for early childhood education, contingent upon the identification of a school district in San Mateo or Santa Clara County that is suitable for inclusion in this study Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $62,928 Year Granted 2014 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. to support Kids in Common and its work related to the Santa Clara County Children’s Agenda and the Santa Clara County Children’s Summit Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 The Trust for Hidden Villa for general support for The Trust for Hidden Villa Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 The School Fund for general support for The School Fund Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2014 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to fund the initial planning phase of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment, CASPEr, which aims to search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and massive vector bosons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies for general support Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Child Care Law Center for general operating support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 Save the Redwoods League for general support for Save the Redwoods League Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the construction and installation of the Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI) blue channel instrument on the Keck II telescope on Mauna Kea Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2014 Alliance for Climate Education Inc. for program support for ACE Assembly Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 San Francisco Opera Association for general support for the San Francisco Opera Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Council for a Strong America for the dissemination of information on the importance of early mathematics to business leaders Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Alliance for Early Success for general support, planning around home visiting, and technical assistance around Child Care Development Block Grant implementation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 Redwood City Elementary School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in Redwood City Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $399,500 Year Granted 2014 SRI International to conduct a case study of the use of Local Control Funding Formula funds for early childhood education, contingent upon the identification of a school district in San Mateo or Santa Clara County that is suitable for inclusion in this study Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $62,928 Year Granted 2014 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. to support Kids in Common and its work related to the Santa Clara County Children’s Agenda and the Santa Clara County Children’s Summit Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 The Trust for Hidden Villa for general support for The Trust for Hidden Villa Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 The School Fund for general support for The School Fund Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2014 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to fund the initial planning phase of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment, CASPEr, which aims to search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and massive vector bosons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies for general support Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Child Care Law Center for general operating support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 Save the Redwoods League for general support for Save the Redwoods League Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Alliance for Climate Education Inc. for program support for ACE Assembly Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 San Francisco Opera Association for general support for the San Francisco Opera Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Council for a Strong America for the dissemination of information on the importance of early mathematics to business leaders Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Alliance for Early Success for general support, planning around home visiting, and technical assistance around Child Care Development Block Grant implementation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 Redwood City Elementary School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in Redwood City Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $399,500 Year Granted 2014 SRI International to conduct a case study of the use of Local Control Funding Formula funds for early childhood education, contingent upon the identification of a school district in San Mateo or Santa Clara County that is suitable for inclusion in this study Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $62,928 Year Granted 2014 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. to support Kids in Common and its work related to the Santa Clara County Children’s Agenda and the Santa Clara County Children’s Summit Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 The Trust for Hidden Villa for general support for The Trust for Hidden Villa Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 The School Fund for general support for The School Fund Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2014 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to fund the initial planning phase of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment, CASPEr, which aims to search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and massive vector bosons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies for general support Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Child Care Law Center for general operating support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 Save the Redwoods League for general support for Save the Redwoods League Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
San Francisco Opera Association for general support for the San Francisco Opera Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Council for a Strong America for the dissemination of information on the importance of early mathematics to business leaders Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Alliance for Early Success for general support, planning around home visiting, and technical assistance around Child Care Development Block Grant implementation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 Redwood City Elementary School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in Redwood City Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $399,500 Year Granted 2014 SRI International to conduct a case study of the use of Local Control Funding Formula funds for early childhood education, contingent upon the identification of a school district in San Mateo or Santa Clara County that is suitable for inclusion in this study Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $62,928 Year Granted 2014 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. to support Kids in Common and its work related to the Santa Clara County Children’s Agenda and the Santa Clara County Children’s Summit Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 The Trust for Hidden Villa for general support for The Trust for Hidden Villa Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 The School Fund for general support for The School Fund Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2014 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to fund the initial planning phase of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment, CASPEr, which aims to search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and massive vector bosons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies for general support Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Child Care Law Center for general operating support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 Save the Redwoods League for general support for Save the Redwoods League Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Council for a Strong America for the dissemination of information on the importance of early mathematics to business leaders Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Alliance for Early Success for general support, planning around home visiting, and technical assistance around Child Care Development Block Grant implementation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 Redwood City Elementary School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in Redwood City Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $399,500 Year Granted 2014 SRI International to conduct a case study of the use of Local Control Funding Formula funds for early childhood education, contingent upon the identification of a school district in San Mateo or Santa Clara County that is suitable for inclusion in this study Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $62,928 Year Granted 2014 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. to support Kids in Common and its work related to the Santa Clara County Children’s Agenda and the Santa Clara County Children’s Summit Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 The Trust for Hidden Villa for general support for The Trust for Hidden Villa Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 The School Fund for general support for The School Fund Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2014 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to fund the initial planning phase of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment, CASPEr, which aims to search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and massive vector bosons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies for general support Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Child Care Law Center for general operating support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 Save the Redwoods League for general support for Save the Redwoods League Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Alliance for Early Success for general support, planning around home visiting, and technical assistance around Child Care Development Block Grant implementation Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 Redwood City Elementary School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in Redwood City Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $399,500 Year Granted 2014 SRI International to conduct a case study of the use of Local Control Funding Formula funds for early childhood education, contingent upon the identification of a school district in San Mateo or Santa Clara County that is suitable for inclusion in this study Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $62,928 Year Granted 2014 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. to support Kids in Common and its work related to the Santa Clara County Children’s Agenda and the Santa Clara County Children’s Summit Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 The Trust for Hidden Villa for general support for The Trust for Hidden Villa Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 The School Fund for general support for The School Fund Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2014 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to fund the initial planning phase of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment, CASPEr, which aims to search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and massive vector bosons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies for general support Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Child Care Law Center for general operating support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 Save the Redwoods League for general support for Save the Redwoods League Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Redwood City Elementary School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in Redwood City Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $399,500 Year Granted 2014 SRI International to conduct a case study of the use of Local Control Funding Formula funds for early childhood education, contingent upon the identification of a school district in San Mateo or Santa Clara County that is suitable for inclusion in this study Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $62,928 Year Granted 2014 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. to support Kids in Common and its work related to the Santa Clara County Children’s Agenda and the Santa Clara County Children’s Summit Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 The Trust for Hidden Villa for general support for The Trust for Hidden Villa Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 The School Fund for general support for The School Fund Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2014 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to fund the initial planning phase of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment, CASPEr, which aims to search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and massive vector bosons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies for general support Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Child Care Law Center for general operating support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 Save the Redwoods League for general support for Save the Redwoods League Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
SRI International to conduct a case study of the use of Local Control Funding Formula funds for early childhood education, contingent upon the identification of a school district in San Mateo or Santa Clara County that is suitable for inclusion in this study Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $62,928 Year Granted 2014 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. to support Kids in Common and its work related to the Santa Clara County Children’s Agenda and the Santa Clara County Children’s Summit Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 The Trust for Hidden Villa for general support for The Trust for Hidden Villa Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 The School Fund for general support for The School Fund Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2014 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to fund the initial planning phase of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment, CASPEr, which aims to search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and massive vector bosons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies for general support Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Child Care Law Center for general operating support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 Save the Redwoods League for general support for Save the Redwoods League Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. to support Kids in Common and its work related to the Santa Clara County Children’s Agenda and the Santa Clara County Children’s Summit Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 The Trust for Hidden Villa for general support for The Trust for Hidden Villa Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 The School Fund for general support for The School Fund Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2014 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to fund the initial planning phase of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment, CASPEr, which aims to search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and massive vector bosons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies for general support Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Child Care Law Center for general operating support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 Save the Redwoods League for general support for Save the Redwoods League Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
The Trust for Hidden Villa for general support for The Trust for Hidden Villa Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 The School Fund for general support for The School Fund Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2014 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to fund the initial planning phase of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment, CASPEr, which aims to search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and massive vector bosons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies for general support Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Child Care Law Center for general operating support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 Save the Redwoods League for general support for Save the Redwoods League Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
The School Fund for general support for The School Fund Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $15,000 Year Granted 2014 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to fund the initial planning phase of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment, CASPEr, which aims to search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and massive vector bosons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies for general support Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Child Care Law Center for general operating support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 Save the Redwoods League for general support for Save the Redwoods League Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to fund the initial planning phase of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment, CASPEr, which aims to search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and massive vector bosons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies for general support Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Child Care Law Center for general operating support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 Save the Redwoods League for general support for Save the Redwoods League Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies for general support Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Child Care Law Center for general operating support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 Save the Redwoods League for general support for Save the Redwoods League Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Child Care Law Center for general operating support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 Save the Redwoods League for general support for Save the Redwoods League Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Save the Redwoods League for general support for Save the Redwoods League Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
California Child Care Resource and Referral Network for general operating support and to enable Parent Voices to develop and pilot a subsidy appeals training project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices for the state learning network on new utility business models Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Energy Center of Wisconsin for the Powering Tomorrow project to draft model regulatory language that will enable the transformation to a clean power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Western Resource Advocates to accelerate the transition away from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean energy technologies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $350,000 Year Granted 2014 Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Peninsula Open Space Trust to support the Heart of the Redwoods Campaign Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Bring Me A Book Foundation to integrate support for early mathematics into a school-based family engagement early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $120,000 Year Granted 2014 Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Advanced Energy Institute to accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2014 Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Palo Alto Unified School District to support a high-quality, Pre-K experience for children of low- to moderate-income families in the Palo Alto Unified School District in spring and summer 2015 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2014 Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Oak Grove School District to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in southeastern San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2014 National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study that will design a national 10-year research agenda to advance reliable ocean and weather forecasts from current 7-10 day timescales to seasonal (weeks to months) timescales Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Philanthropic Ventures Foundation for a mini-grant program designed to help preschool and K-3 teachers in low-income communities purchase mathematics-related curricula, materials, and professional development services Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $55,000 Year Granted 2014 National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
National Conference of State Legislatures to engage states in building comprehensive state policies to strengthen support for early mathematics learning, family engagement, and dual- and English-language learners from birth through third grade Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $194,922 Year Granted 2014 Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Start Early for First Five Years Fund to organize a national summit on early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
University of Washington to enable the Axion Dark Matter experiment (ADMX) to dramatically upgrade the microwave-resonant cavity experimental system and create and test a second, prototype system capable of sampling higher frequencies than the cavity system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $625,000 Year Granted 2014 Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Center for the Next Generation to communicate the findings of the Risky Business project to incentivize the business community to incorporate climate risk into practices and policies Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
New Venture Fund to support The Fund for a Safer Future Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Families in Schools to support state and local advocacy, training, and technical assistance on family engagement, especially in response to California’s local control funding formula and its family engagement priority area Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for general support for TheatreWorks Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Acadia Center to develop a policy framework to put consumer and clean energy interests at the center of the energy system in the New York State Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2014 South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
South Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource to 1) establish the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy; and 2) establish the SPEER Institute Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2014 Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Inc. for the planning phase of an incubation project that will spur innovations to support parents and informal caregivers in the first eight years of a child’s life Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support for Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Save The Bay for general support for Save the Bay Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2014 President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
President and Fellows of Harvard College to support the development and evaluation of a family-focused intervention to improve student attendance, and the planning for a family-focused intervention that would better use report cards to improve student success Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $289,085 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next
Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2014 Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next
Estrella Family Services to implement coordinated and evidence-based family engagement services for families of young children in East San Jose Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2014 California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next
California Academy of Sciences for general operating support to the California Academy of Science Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2014 Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next
Californians Together for printing and compiling materials related to English learners and the Local Control Funding Formula Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2014 Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next
Community Initiatives for support of a White House Early Learning Town Hall and a smaller Roundtable Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next
The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to support a network of researchers who study early mathematics teaching and learning Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,477,280 Year Granted 2014 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014 1 2 3 4 Next
Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. to support domestic sustainable fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, and methane science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2014 Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014
Aspen Global Change Institute Inc. to support 1) research on climate science and energy technologies ; (2) policy analysis on zero-carbon energy sources and energy innovation; and3) meetings concerning zero-carbon energy sources Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2014